Your Next Self Care Tool Could Be Hiding in Your Child's Toy Box

April 26, 2019

How on Earth can a child's toy provide self-care?

What exactly am I referring to?

A bouncy ball of course. That small rubber sphere that has managed to carry itself  through decades of fun and enjoyment for all ages.
I was in attendance at a biomechanics yoga workshop last year where my teacher and friend Kristen English gifted us the wisdom of bouncy ball hand therapy.

Anyone can do it! Pause right now, go find a bouncy ball in the deepest corner of your kids toy chest. You know they always hide in the farthest corner.. 

Get down on the Earth, on your hands and knees. Place the bouncy ball under the squishy parts of your palm, applying various degrees of pressure in various locations while rolling it back and forth.


It’s intense!

We carry so much as humans, as mothers, and we use our hands in so many ways to create the lives we mold for our families.  Our hands are the extension from our hearts, they hold immense creative capacity, we must thank them and love them for the work that they do.

Below is a short sequence to show your magic hands some extra special bouncy ball love and more.

  1. Bouncy Ball Roll Massage

  2. Wrist Hold Hand Blast

  3. Shaking Off

  4. Wrist Circles

  5. Hand Clasp stretches 

Video of Hand Love for Humans

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